

Arcweave supports exporting project data to the following formats:

How to export

To export your Arcweave project:

  • Click on the export icon at the top of the workspace.
  • Select the tab that is relevant to the desired format and click on the Export button.

Exporting as JSON & assets

Exporting as JSON & assets produces a .zip file containing:

  • 📝 A .json file containing all the project data—see example, below.
  • 📦 An assets folder containing the project's asset files, with their subfolder structure matching that of the project.
  • 🖼️ A cover folder containing the project's cover image (if any).

{info} In the JSON & assets export format, text content gets exported in html encoding.

Εxport specific boards only

While on the Export project to JSON & assets modal box:

  • Click on Select boards to export.
  • Check the boards you want to be included in the JSON file.

Example json

To get an idea of the JSON structure, here is a simplified .json file, exported from the example project The Castle.

  "name": "The Castle",
  "startingElement": "38375689-9e4d-430e-954c-65205eb622fe",
  "boards": {
    "2ad15ff6-f2ba-4f1d-9d9d-68938c683d7e": {
      "name": "Root",
      "root": true,
      "children": [
    "630fdb8a-48d6-473e-9974-2460f7eb2b41": {
      "name": "Main Board",
      "notes": [
      "jumpers": [
      "elements": [
      "connections": [
  "notes": {
    "585c89a5-a16c-44db-9346-6e2725afcd88": {
      "theme": "red",
      "content": "<p>You can reference components and boards by @mentioning them!</p>"
    "5f45b936-1a0f-4834-87c3-579fb72329b1": {
      "theme": "default",
      "content": "<p><strong>Welcome to Arcweave!</strong></p>"
  "elements": {
    "59370898-e089-46cd-b7cf-072b79a76453": {
      "cover": "images/1583176103_5e5d59a7cc24a.jpeg",
      "theme": "green",
      "title": "<strong>Heeloooo</strong>"
  "jumpers": {
    "17251b2a-0930-4a93-8f14-e89eb3238146": {
      "elementId": "59370898-e089-46cd-b7cf-072b79a76453"
    "60b22737-d18c-44ea-b24c-8d771dfd9f9d": {
      "elementId": "d4823bca-643b-4d3a-a908-0056762a0476"

Exporting as CSV

Exporting in Comma Separated Values (CSV) will produce a .zip file containing the following CSV files:

Filename Columns
Boards.csv Id, Parent Id, Has Children, Name
Components.csv Id, Parent Id, Has Children, Name, Attributes
Connections.csv Id, Source Element, Target Element, Label
Elements.csv Id, Title, Content, Theme
Jumpers.csv Id, ElementId
Notes.csv Id, Content, Theme

{info} In the CSV export format, text content gets exported in html encoding.

Exporting as Excel spreadsheet

Exporting for Excel will produce a .xlsx file containing a separate sheet for each item:

Sheet Columns
Boards Id, Parent Id, Has Children, Name
Components Id, Parent Id, Has Children, Name, Attributes
Connections Id, Source Element, Target Element, Label
Elements Id, Title, Content, Theme
Jumpers Id, ElementId
Notes Id, Content, Theme

{info} In the CSV export format, text content gets exported in html encoding.

Exporting as image file

You can export the current board as an image. This supports the following specifications:

  • File format: .jpeg or .png bitmap.
  • Size: Small (1600x900), Medium (3200x1800), or Large (6400x3600).
  • Print friendly mode: removes dark areas and converts colours to a "light mode" style.

Exporting as .PDF

You can export the current board in the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). This supports the following specifications:

  • Lossless vector format.
  • All text retains its selectability.
  • Print friendly mode removes dark areas and converts colours to a "light mode" style.

{primary} Image and PDF formats support export of the current board only at the time.

Exporting for game engines

You can export your project data for direct import in one of our free game engine plugins:

Exporting a project backup

Pro and Team users can export their project data to an encrypted .arcw file and/or import .arcw files in their account. When exporting a backup:

  • All project data including notes, comments & assets are included in the exported file.
  • Editors & viewers are not included in the exported file.
  • Exported .arcw files can be imported through the Import from backup button in the project list page.